
I study computational galaxy formation. My research interests include all things galaxies: their formation in the nascent Universe, their merging and assembly, their star formation and inter-stellar medium. In detail, this means I think about the nature of dark matter and about cosmology and the expansion of the Universe. I think about energetic feedback coupling from supernovae and stellar radiation.
To tackle these questions, I develop a galaxy formation model called LYRA within the framework of the cosmological hydrodynamic simulation code AREPO. It simulates galaxy formation and includes a multi-phase ISM, individual stars and resolved supernovae.

Get in touch with me if you are interested in my simulations! I am happy to provide the simulations for new analysis projects or to perform certain analysis myself “on-demand” for observational comparisons. Also get in touch if you are interested in collaborating!

Hubble Fellow
IfA Hawaii island,