Graduate Students

Most graduate students are based at IfA Mānoa, located in the city of Honolulu on the island of O‘ahu. Some are located on the neighbor islands, at our IfA Hilo and IfA Maui locations.


Alexa Anderson Graduate Student

Ph.D. Topic: Looking Inward: M-band Spectroscopy of Protoplanetary Disks
Committee Chair: Jonathan Williams
IfA Mānoa, B-101

Zac Bailey Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa

Erica Bufanda NASA Fellow (Future Investigator), Soroptimist Fellow, PhD Candidate

Ph.D. Topic: Vehicles to the Past: Characterizing the Activity of Long Period Comets
Committee Chair: Karen Meech
IfA Mānoa

Mitchell Dennis Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa, B101

Dhvanil Desai PhD Candidate

IfA Mānoa, C-101
Ph.D. Topic: Characterizing High-redshift Interactions within the Environments of the First Structures (CHIEFS)
Committee Chair: Dave Sanders, Roy Gal
IfA Mānoa, B-101
(808) 956-6700(808) 956-6700

Willem Hoogendam NSF Graduate Research Fellow

IfA Mānoa, B-227
Supernovae, Tidal Disruption Events

Yihan (Miranda) Kong Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa

Jonathan Lee Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa
Ph.D. Topic: Adaptive secondary mirror testing and development
Committee Chair: Michael Connelley
IfA Mānoa, 138 (Hilo)

Rena Lee NSF Graduate Research Fellow

Ph.D. Topic: Exploring Extreme Earths: Implications for Rocky Planet Formation
Committee Chair: Fei Dai
IfA Mānoa, B-101

Jiayi Liu Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa, C-216A

Miles Lucas Graduate Student

Ph.D. Topic: Optical Imaging Polarimetry of Planet-Forming Regions at Solar System Scales with SCExAO/VAMPIRES
Committee Chair: Michael Bottom
IfA Mānoa, C-216A
Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO)

Grey Murphree NSF Graduate Research Fellow

Ph.D. Topic: Constraining Structure Formation at High Redshift
Committee Chair: István Szapudi

Suchitra Narayanan PhD Candidate, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, P.E.O. Scholar

Ph.D. Topic: Organosulfur Chemistry in the Birthplaces of Planets
Committee Chair: Jonathan P. Williams

Michael Nassir Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa

James Ou Graduate Research Assistant

Ph.D. Topic: Mass Distributions of Binary Asteroids in Main Belt Families
Committee Chair: Christoph Baranec
IfA Hawaii island, 132
Dynamics of Main Belt Binary Asteroids, Robo-AO
Ph.D. Topic: Developments in Direct Imaging: Implementing Deformable Mirror Upgrade and Characterizing Protoplanetary Disks
Committee Chair: Michael Bottom, Jonathan Williams
IfA Hawaii island, WM Keck Observatory

Zachary Werber Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa

Bryan Yamashiro Graduate Student

IfA Mānoa, B-101

Jingwen Zhang Graduate Student, NASA FINESST Fellow

IfA Mānoa, C-127

Ruihan (Suzanne) Zhang Graduate Student

Ph.D. Topic: HAPA: Hybrid Atmospheric Phase Analysis A Wavefront Sensing Technique for Improving the Adaptive Optics Correction of Fainter Stars
Committee Chair: Christoph Baranec
IfA Hawaii island, 133
Instrumentation, Adaptive Optics