Solar System Bodies
Kenneth Chambers Astronomer, Pan-STARRS Director
cosmology, wide field surveys , distant galaxies and quasars , explosive transients , near earth objects
Eric Gaidos Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences
Robert Jedicke Specialist Emeritus
Orbit and size distributions of asteroid populations including main belt and near Earth objects, Centaurs, Trans-Neptunian objects, comets, and interstellar objects., over 120 refereed publications as of 2020 May 18
Karen Meech Astronomer
Manx comets-testing dynamical models, Comet volatiles (H2O, CO, CO2), Comet/asteroid space missions , Characterizing Earth's primordial water, Interstellar planetesimals
John Rayner Astronomer, IRTF Director
Observatory management, Instrumentation development, Infrared spectroscopy
Alan Tokunaga Astronomer Emeritus
John Tonry Astronomer
Richard Wainscoat Specialist
Pan-STARRS, Near Earth Objects, Dark Skies