In my research, I study how galaxies evolve in different environments. Most of my time is spent organizing and coordinating the IfA’s many outreach programs – school visits, stargazing events, public talks, our annual Open House, press releases, and social media.
I am also the head of the UH National Gemini Office, and teach undergraduate astronomy classes.
- UH National Gemini Office Head
- UH rep to Gemini Operations Working Group
I teach ASTR301 – Observational Projects, one of the core classes for our undergraduate major.
I coordinate the majority of the IfA’s outreach programs. Some of these are listed on our Special Events page. These include:
- Public talks on Oahu
- Stargazing events
- School visits
- IfA tours
- Manoa Open House
I also act as the Public Information Officer, handling all of our press releases.

Roy R Gal
Associate Specialist
Ph.D. 2001, Caltech
- ORELSE survey, Outreach
IfA Mānoa, C-102
(808) 956-6235