I was born and educated in Argentina. Worked at IAFE, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Worked at Munich University Observatory, Germany, 1986-87 (Humboldt Fellowship) and 1991-2001. Working at the IfA since 2002.
My current research interests are: central stars of Galactic planetary nebulae (PNs) and kinematic studies of extragalactic PNs.
Member of IAU Division H (interstellar matter and local universe), Commission H3 (planetary nebulae).
A selection of recent papers:
The two central stars of NGC 1514: can they actually be related?
Mendez, Kudritzki, Urbaneja 2016, ApJ, 829, 73.
Improved spectral descriptions of PN central stars
Weidmann, Mendez, Gamen 2015, A&A, 579, A86.
Planetary nebulae in the in the elliptical galaxy NGC 4649 (M 60): kinematics and distance redetermination
Teodorescu, Mendez, Bernardi et al. 2011, ApJ, 736, 65.
Kinematics of PNs in the outskirts of the elliptical galaxy NGC 4697
Mendez, Teodorescu, Kudritzki, Burkert 2009, ApJ, 691, 228.
Toward better simulations of PN luminosity functions
Mendez, Teodorescu, Schoenberner et al. 2008, ApJ, 681, 325.
Graduate course: Astr 623 (stellar interiors and evolution)
Undergraduate course: Astr 423 (stellar astrophysics)
Service activities at the IfA:
Chair of the Graduate Research Oversight Group (GROG).
Secretary of the Optical/IR/Submm Time Allocation Committee (TAC).
Roberto H. Méndez
- Central stars of Galactic planetary nebulae; kinematics of extragalactic planetary nebulae.