I retired in 2012 after 29 years on the faculty of the University of Hawaii, Since then I have written one book for the general reader (“Surveying the Skies”) and am toying with ideas for my next one.
My research has always been focussed on interstellar matter. My earliest work was radio-wavelength mapping of HII regions, which was followed by infrared studies of similar regions and of the cores of molecular clouds, first as a post-doc at Caltech and then as a faculty member at the University of Hawaii. Later on I used infrared mapping to study the properties of starbursts and active nuclei of the central regions of galaxies.
I used to teach the following courses:
- Astro 110: Introduction to Astronomy
- Astro 622: Interstellar Matter
- Various short graduate courses
- Chautauqua courses
Member of:-
- International Astronomical Union
- American Astronomical Society
- Royal Astronomical Society
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Sigma Xi
- Hawaii Academy of Science (Past President)
- Honolulu Science Cafe (Co-Founder)